Need a Signature Cocktail?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

All Hail the Dammit Cocktail

The Dammit Cocktail touts itself as the most intriguing, cutting-edge, eye-opening, exquisite, trailblazing, and downright delicious cocktail in the world. It has survived centuries of eager bartenders and home enthusiasts vying to create the perfect blend of spirits and mixers.

But what exactly is in the Dammit Cocktail?

Have you ever stumbled upon a description of a cocktail that sounded so tantalizing, you just had to make it immediately? You quickly eyeball the recipe, read down the list . . . so far so good . . . you have these ingredients at the ready. Then you look upon your bar, find the right bottles, but only a drop is left in one of them. It is in this very moment that the cocktail acquires its name as you utter, “Dammit.” You can improvise and substitute a similar spirit, but deep in your heart, you know you will be missing out on something special. Similarly, and worse because you cannot make substitutions, is a Dammit Cocktail that consists of a nonalcoholic ingredient you thought you had in your fridge, but cannot find despite rummaging through it three times. This cocktail is called the “Dagnabbit Cocktail.” For those of you hellbent on making the drink exactly according to the recipe, take comfort in knowing that you can always jump in your car or run to the corner store for that Holy Grail of missing ingredients.

But never despair, dear reader, for we have a simple solution for you. Experiment and turn your Dammit Cocktail into something new. It may become the most intriguing, cutting-edge, eye-opening, exquisite, trailblazing, and downright delicious cocktail in the world.

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