Need a Signature Cocktail?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Cocktails To Keep You Abuzz During HBO’s “Boardwalk Empire”

HBO premieres “Boardwalk Empire” Sunday evening, September 19. Which of these cocktails will you be enjoying while watching the hands of Scorsese weave their magic? (photo ©HBO)

Once again, we received a desperate epistle from a thirsty gourmand:
Dear Cocktail Buzz,

I am anxiously awaiting the premiere of “Boardwalk Empire,” [the new HBO show about Atlantic City at the dawn of Prohibition]. Any suggestions for speakeasy cocktails to enjoy while viewing?


Cousin Barbara
We inquired as to what food Cousin Barbara would be serving so we could have an idea of what flavors might pair well with her fare.
Dear Cousin Barbara,

We are currently working on a progression of speakeasy era cocktails for you. Are you planning seafood for dinner that night to highlight the Atlantic City aspect of the show, or will it be something else? Will there be appetizers or hors d’oeuvres? Inquiring minds want to know. If you don’t know yet, not a problem. Cocktail Buzz can devise something special that will go with anything.
Cousin Barbara quickly got back to us:
What an excellent idea! First thing that comes to mind is clams. Maybe two dishes: one chilled, one hot? Clams Casino screams Atlantic City, don’t you think?

I’d love to hear your suggestions and am excited for your cocktail pairings.
We had so much fun researching and mixing cocktails, we decided to let Cousin Barbara choose what appeals to her with this list.
Cousin Barbara,

As we ease into fall’s brisker moments, we feel that Clams Casino is the perfect accompaniment to your soon-to-be-new HBO addiction. One of these cocktails might be a delightful foil to the salty, meaty bivalves:

If you’re feeling particularly witty, this may do you well:

Let loose with witty repartee and an Algonquin Cocktail. Or perhaps a Monkey Gland or a Scoff Law Cocktail would do you better.

The Algonquin Cocktail
(adapted from Vintage Spirits & Forgotten Cocktails, by Ted Haigh)

1 1/2 ounces rye
1/4 ounce dry vermouth
3/4 ounce pineapple juice

Shake in ice for 15 seconds. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

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If you want to start the evening with a bang (and who doesn’t?), try this little fella:

The French 75
(adapted by Cocktail Buzz)

1 1/2 ounces gin (preferably one redolent with juniper)
1/2 ounce fresh lemon juice
1/2 ounce simple syrup*
1 – 1 1/2 ounces champagne
lemon twist, as garnish
brandied cherry, as garnish

Shake gin, lemon juice, and simple syrup for 15 seconds in an ice-filled shaker. Strain into wine goblet or highball glass halfway filled with ice. Top with champagne. Add more ice if necessary. Garnish with lemon twist and cherry.

* Over low heat, dissolve 1 cup sugar in 1 cup water (stir occasionally). Remove from heat, cool in container, and refrigerate for up to a month.

[To watch our video pairing the French 75 with shrimp cocktail, click HERE.]

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If you’re the kind of person who likes a theme cocktail, then you’ll do well not to evade this concoction:

The Income Tax Cocktail
(adapted from Vintage Spirits & Forgotten Cocktails, by Ted Haigh)

1 1/2 ounces gin
3/4 ounce dry vermouth
3/4 ounce sweet vermouth
juice of 1/4 orange
2 dashes Angostura bitters
orange wheel, as garnish

Shake in ice for 15 seconds. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Add garnish.

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This Prohibition biggie will certainly make a monkey out of y’all:

The Monkey Gland
(adapted from Vintage Spirits & Forgotten Cocktails, by Ted Haigh)

1 1/2 ounces dry gin
1 1/2 ounces fresh orange juice
1 teaspoon real pomegranate grenadine
1 teaspoon plus 1 dash pastis (Pernod, Herbsaint, Ricard, absinthe)

Shake in ice for 15 seconds. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

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Flout the Eighteenth Amendment and all the silly rules that make us so gosh-darned dull with one of these beauties:

The Scoff Law Cocktail
(adapted from Vintage Spirits & Forgotten Cocktails, by Ted Haigh)

1 1/2 ounces rye
1 ounce dry vermouth
3/4 ounce fresh lemon juice
3/4 ounce real pomegranate grenadine
lemon twist, as garnish

Shake in ice for 15 seconds. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Add garnish.

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Simple and refreshing, this elixir’s name evokes British Colonialism and other jolly exploits:

Pegu Club Cocktail
(adapted from Vintage Spirits & Forgotten Cocktails, by Ted Haigh)

1 1/2 ounces gin
1/2 ounce Cointreau or other 80-proof triple sec
3/4 ounce fresh lime juice
2 dashes Angostura bitters

Shake in ice for 15 seconds. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

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And if none of these is floating your boat, why not stick with tradition and down a martini or two.

The Martini
(adapted by Cocktail Buzz)
2 ounces gin (try Bombay Sapphire, DH Krahn, or Death’s Door)
1/3 – 1/2 ounce dry vermouth (do not skimp on the vermouth; this is not a vodka martini ;)
2 dashes orange bitters

Stir in ice for 30 seconds. Strain into chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with an olive or lemon twist.

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We couldn’t possibly forget an after-show cocktail, to be served with a sweet dessert:

Barbara Cocktail
(adapted by Cocktail Buzz from The Savoy Cocktail Book, by Harry Craddock)

1 ounce vodka
1 ounce fresh cream
1 ounce crème de cacao (either white or brown, depending on your mood, or the lighting)

Shake in ice for 15 seconds. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. If you’re feeling adventurous, shave a little chocolate, nutmeg, or cinnamon over the top, or a combination thereof, depending on with what dessert you are serving it.

Enjoy your opening. We’re enjoying an Algonquin and a Pegu Club as we write this e-pistle.

Bottoms Up!

Steve and Paul
Cocktail Buzz
This just in from Cousin Barbara:
This list is just swell, fellas! And more than enough suggestions to last the entire season. With cocktails this good, who needs to repeal prohibition?!?! You're the cat's pajamas!